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C l u b R u l e
s / D i s c l a i m e r
Toyspeed is an informal network and due to this, we have always tried to keep the rules and conditions to a minimum. Unfortunately though, human nature intervenes, and this document is the result. This document is not all-inclusive and as a general rule, Toyspeed condone common-sense and obeying the spirit of the law, and do not tolerate harassment or excessive stupidity. This document outlines our basic expectations and also where the limits of our liability as a group exist. General Conduct & Behaviour Toyspeed feels that the law, and law enforcement, is better left up to the appropriate bodies. However, where laws (including but not limited to excessive speed, burnouts and donuts on public roads or areas) are broken or if a member does something that is inconsistent with the positive image of our club/network, we will do our best to correct the problem. Toyspeed does not condone speeding or any other illegal activities. Should you choose to break the law, you alone are responsible for your actions. There is a significant difference between speed [what our group is all about] and illegal excessive speeds, Toyspeed does not condone or accept stupid behavior behind the wheel. Toyspeed is not responsible for you if you choose to attend any of our events. We accept no liability for any activities or behaviour at our meets. In short, if you attend a meeting, you are solely responsible for yourself and your actions and effects on the environment. However, if you do something deemed to be outside the law, or something which detracts from the positive image of the club, we reserve the right to take appropriate action. This action would generally involve asking you not to return to Toyspeed events, and the suspension or cancellation of your membership to our online facilities including the forum and profiles system. We would therefore ask that you respect the positive public image that we try to portray when in public, and behave appropriately. Toyspeed has a zero tolerance attitude toward driving under the influence of either Alcohol or Drugs. If a member is caught participating in Toyspeed events under the influence, they will be immediately removed from Toyspeed. Toyspeed's Online Systems (Forums, Profiles) The general rules for the online systems that Toyspeed provides are basically:
Commercial Organisations, Sponsors and Advertising Toyspeed have decided against allowing commercial enterprises to advertise on our forums (This is particularly relevant in the buy-and-sell areas). Toyspeed does have established sponsorship arrangements with specific companies. In return for their support, these companies are given specific exemption from the above policy. These companies usually offer our members a very reasonable discount on services or products rendered, and we strongly encourage our members to support them whenever possible. We ask that members respect the fact that these vendors are cutting us a good deal, and do not actively do anything to conflict with our sponsors. Members may support their own preferred suppliers through 'plugs' or references in signature files, etc, however these should be in text format only (no images) and should not defame any of Toyspeeds Official Sponsors. Individuals whos own business may be in competition with a Toyspeed Sponsor are not forbidden from posting, but should exercise discretion and should not actively be soliciting business in direct competition of one of our sponsors. Toyspeed expressly forbids the harvesting of contact information from our online facilities for the purposes of direct marketing or unsolicited commercial email aka spam. Toyspeed as an Organisation Toyspeed is run as an informal club - we are not incorporated as a legal society and this attitude has many benefits in terms of the way we operate. Toyspeed is administered by a group of volunteers who provide their time and/or resources and major decisions are made by the group, as a group. This format has served us well over the years and we believe it encourages a more relaxed atmosphere and free flows of information and involvement from our members. Toyspeed is run by its 'Admin Team'. These are generally long-serving and respected members of Toyspeed who are regarded as fair-players, as well as having volunteered their time for the good of the club. The admins are usually either Forum Moderators, or Regional Event Coordinators – or both. One or more of the Moderators may hold the status of 'Administrator'. This is for practical purposes only; Toyspeed has no 'President' and all major decisions are made through consensus amongst the Admin Team. Occasionally a Moderator may need to make a decision 'on the fly' without opportunity to consult. The Moderators are trusted to do so and are all subject to peer review. If you feel a situation has not been handled appropriately by one of the Moderators, you may contact one of the others via Private Message, or email admins@toyspeed.org.nz. The situation will be reviewed and remedial action taken if appropriate. (Remember: In the end, the Admin Team are all humans with emotions and the ability to make mistakes!) Copyright / Use of the Toyspeed Logo All works found on the Toyspeed Forum are copyright to their respective authors. Content on all Official Toyspeed web pages and resources are likewise copyright to their respective authors, and Toyspeed. The Toyspeed Logo is the copyright of Benjamin Fellowes and was designed for the official use of Toyspeed only . Reproduction either electronically or for use as a banner, sticker, clothing adornment, advertisement or for any other purpose is forbidden except with the consent of the Toyspeed admins. Toyspeed have available a selection of official merchandise including car stickers, window banners, clothing and other automotive accessories. For information on these please refer to the appropriate thread on our online forum. Permission to display these is usually freely provided to Toyspeed members, but those displaying the logo should bear in mind that they are thereby deemed representative of Toyspeed in the eyes of the general public, even though this is not necessarily the case. Acceptance of this policy By using the Toyspeed web site, forums, other online systems, or by attending Toyspeed meetings or events, you acknowledge acceptance of our club policies as laid out in this document. Toyspeed is not representative or endorsed by Toyota New Zealand or subsidiaries. Information or statements on this site, on our forums or on any other official Toyspeed site do not necessarily represent the opinion of Toyota or its employees. Any relationship with any commercial supplier including Toyota New Zealand or any subsidiary is clearly defined in writing as a sponsorship or support arrangement and should not be considered an endorsement, nor representative of that company or organisation unless otherwise specified in writing. The views expressed by Toyspeed members are not necessarily those of Toyspeed as a club, nor of its management. Correspondence on any official matter should be directed at one of the Admin Team via Private Message on the Forum, or via email to admins@toyspeed.org.nz. |
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